Twice Loved Gems

Twice Loved Gems
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If I was half as good at blogging as I was at furniture...

Oh I am so horribly bad about blogging. I feel like I don't know what I am doing and it looks like crap, which it does. I'm wondering how much it would cost to hire a web designer/host? Is that what you even call it??? I have so many projects in the garage and the weather is making it absolutely impossible to finish anything. I'm feeling pretty useless. I did find a new color that I love for childrens furniture upcycles. Here is a picture of a little set that is ever so slowly getting done.

I haven't decided on all the details yet. To add a silver/pink glaze or distress. But I love the handles. Hopefully I can get up at like 5 am this weekend before the heat hits and finish this set off. There is a mirror that also goes with the set.

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